Why You Should Track the Status of Your MediaAlpha Leads—And How to Do It

Status tracking allows auto insurance agents to see where their prospects are in the sales cycle and optimize future lead buying

The new MediaAlpha for Agents status tracking feature allows insurance agents to update the status of their leads right on the platform.

Online leads are a great way for auto insurance agents to find new customers and grow their businesses—but keeping track of them can sometimes be a major headache. Indeed, when your prospects are at different stages of the sales cycle, it can be quite hard to keep tabs on which consumers your agency has called, which shoppers you were able to connect with, and whether those leads converted after you reached them. If your leads are being worked by multiple members of your agency team, the process only becomes more complicated.

That’s why it’s so important to have a system for tracking where each consumer is in the sales cycle. State Farm agents can track the status of their MediaAlpha leads on State Farm’s eCRM or on our platform via our status tracking feature.

Beyond keeping everyone on the same page, status tracking gives you the information you need to make smarter decisions about which leads to buy. In an environment where agents have more incentive than ever to track and optimize their lead-buying performance, that’s a big deal.

You can track the status of your leads in eCRM or on the MediaAlpha platform

Due to our integration with State Farm’s eCRM, you can track the status of your leads there. Or you can use our status tracking feature to keep tabs on the progress of your leads right on the MediaAlpha for Agents platform.

Tracking the status of your leads feature is fairly simple. On either the purchased leads list or the lead details page inside the MediaAlpha platform, you can select from a dropdown menu to give each prospect a status, such as new, contacted, quoted, sold, revisit later, or unsold.

If and when you export your list of leads, the status you’ve given them will be included in the export. This way, you can see the status of every lead at all times. If you’re working leads on the go, you can always check and adjust a consumer’s status from your mobile device on the lead details page.

Here’s what the status tracking featuring looks like inside our platform:

A screenshot of the MediaAlpha for Agents status tracking feature.

Agents can work with MediaAlpha to use their status tracking data to make smarter lead-buying decisions

Crucially, status tracking also helps you better understand and optimize your lead-buying performance.

Right now, insurance carriers are asking their captive agents to reach higher sales targets, and agents of all kinds are operating inside a highly competitive customer acquisition market. Under these conditions, it’s a must for agents to be analyzing their performance and adjusting their buying strategies in search of the greatest possible return on their customer acquisition investment.

By using status tracking, agents can gain deeper insight into how many leads their team is calling, how many they’re quoting, and how many are following through to purchase a policy. By breaking this performance down by risk profile, location, and other factors, you’ll be able to detect patterns that allow you to refine your targeting.

And when you work with your MediaAlpha client success representative, they’ll be able to use their data analysis expertise to really dig into your performance and uncover granular insights that take your lead-buying to the next level.

Agents sometimes worry that sharing data with us will cause us to raise prices on the highest-performing inventory. But the truth is that we solely use the information to help our clients buy more effectively and ensure that our leads are delivering the greatest possible results. If your data shows that certain consumer types or visitors from a certain geographic area are converting extremely well, we want to make sure we’re investing in the web traffic that will bring more of those quality leads onto our platform.

In fact, we’ve already heard from agents who’ve seen real improvements in their performance after implementing the data-based recommendations that their client success managers gave them. As D.C.-based independent agent Eric Hardiman puts it, his partnership with his representative is the most attention he’s ever received from a lead company. “They want me to be successful and that partnership is really important,” he said.

Have another idea for how we can improve our platform? We want to hear from you.

Our new status tracking feature is just one of the ways we work to give our agent clients the best possible lead-buying experience. Indeed, we’re not just out to build the industry’s best online leads solution—we want to reimagine the online leads business entirely.

Is there a feature that would make our platform more valuable to your business? Go ahead and drop us a line at agentleads@mediaalpha.com. And if you’re not already a customer of ours, you can set up a call with us to learn about MediaAlpha for Agents’ unique combination of high-quality leads, hands-on customer service, and flexible targeting.